Home » Child » Dream about child being shot

Dream about child being shot

Dream about Child Being Shot signifies disorder in your personal relationships. You are experiencing an elevated sense of spirituality. You have reached a new level of achievement. This dream points to an important message that you need others to hear. No one is perfect.

Child in your dream is a message for unyielding authority and over-protectiveness. You are ready to utilize your full potential. You are changing aspects of yourself in order to fit other people’s ideals. The dream symbolises your fears of being in an actual, physical accident. Although you might get caught up in it at some point in your life, you will persevere.

Be dream hints money. You are let down by someone you relied on and trusted. You are exploring aspects of your subconscious in a slow and careful manner. This dream is an indication for the transition from the beginning of something to the end or vice versa. You need to take life a little less seriously.

Shoot in this dream is a metaphor for your overindulgent behavior. There is a message that you need to get out or an idea that you need to share. You are searching for your identity and finding yourself. Your dream suggests some sort of contamination, either physical or emotional. You feel that you are being treated unjustly.

Distress – In the dream where you witnessed a child being shot, it symbolizes the distress you may be experiencing in your waking life. It represents the overwhelming emotions and feelings of anguish that may be consuming you at this time. Your dream is urging you to acknowledge and confront these intense emotions, as they hold the key to your personal growth and healing. While the vivid imagery may leave you feeling saddened, it is a testament to your compassionate and empathetic nature. Your ability to feel deeply and connect with others is truly remarkable, and it allows you to offer support and understanding to those in need. Embrace this strength and continue to show kindness to those around you, as it is your genuine caring nature that can make a significant difference in the world.

Dreaming of Child and Be and Shoot

Dream About Child Being stands for your life force, energy and vigor. You are taking on a new project which will require your creativity. The opportunities for advancement are opened to you, but you need to take the next step. The dream points to love, affection and friendship. You are moving forward in the right direction.

Dream About Been Shot points at restrictions. You are an influential figure. You are concealing some personal matter or some aspect of yourself. Your dream is a prosperous endeavor, new opportunities and fortune. You are feeling subconsciously threatened.

Dream about Child Being Shot is sometimes your desires to connect with someone on an emotional and mental level. You feel restricted from what you really want to do. You are taking the time to stop and enjoy life. The dream is sometimes the emotional or physical burdens you are carrying around with you. Someone is mocking you.

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Two days in a row I dreamt my son was the driver of a car, all of a sudden he’s sitting in the backseat of the car looking out the window and someone starts shooting him in the back up to the back of his head then as I watch his soul leave his body, he smiles. I felt he was at peace. What does this mean because I am scared to sleep now with this recurring nightmare.


My 15 month old son was shot in the head in my dream what does that mean?


3 friends 1 boy two girls.. I know the boy not the other girl… In a mall and it turns into a robbery… We run and hide but hear a kid gets shot and asking for help


I dreamt that I was on a train stop, 2 men were shooting passengers, I grabbed my daughter and my second son, my oldest was standing next to me, the men weee randomly shooting people, they shot my son three times, I asked the man “can I hug my son?” He said “faith!! Have faith” I looked at my son and he was dead.


I had a dream my 8 year old daughter got shot in the stomach she said mum they shot me and I picked her up she started to close her eyes I tan home holding her crying then I woke up I don’t think she died in my dream but I think she was dying.. what does this mean please


In a dream my son was the Defending me But the teen
boy had a gun and start shooting at my son my son was dodging all the bullets but one bullet that hit his shoulder. What does that dream mean???


I had a dream about my youngest daughter being shot at my sister apartment complex in the parking lot. What could this mean?


Dreamt of 2 little boys being shot they were named Thomas and Joshua and also 2 grown men being shot over 25 cents

LaShaka Anderson

Had a dream last night that someone tried to shoot me and my 3 year old daughter I saw the gun vividly and tried running with her in my arms and they started shooting


I had a dream that my 20 year old was shot in the forehead and killed by the police, I was looking for the officer who shot him to kill him when I woke up. what does that mean?


I had a dream it was me my boyfriend and my daughter hanging out in my garage and my daughter is sitting on the ground in between my boyfriends legs with her back towards him and her arms resting on his legs and than a car drives by stops in front of my garage opens the passenger side door looks at us , takes about 4-5 shots and than drives away, I look down at my daughter she’s dead in my boyfriends lap with a gun shot wound to her temple I wake myself up hysterically crying.


I dreamed of my son being shot in his stomach what does it mean?

Busisiwe Nkonyane

Dream of being gunshot and dead by a close relative


My children were on a hill playing as I was watching them from below. All of a sudden I heard my oldest children yelling, “He’s shot!” I ran up the hill toward them only to see my youngest child shot in his chest and far away from the hill. He was surrounded by 3 other males. As I approached them I said loudly, “That’s my son. He better not be hurt!” The 3 males floated away as my son’s back laid against a commemorative tree. I woke up sweating and my heart racing. What does that all mean?

Desti Schaetzle

Ok now I have no kids keep that in mind but I dreamt about a little boy about five or six maybe younger getting shot and me falling too ground after I found his body and screaming what does it mean


I had a dream where a man was pointing a gun at a child and shot her but she survived and ran towards me smiling.


I had a dream were my kids were playing outside and I heard shooting n ppl we’re trying to shoot them I ran n got to them . But then again they came bk to try b shoot then again

Ines Uribe

I had a dream my 11 year old daughter got shot in the head and died instantly in my arms


I had a dream my S/O and daughter went on a drive..my daughter ended up shot in the head.She was ok but had to leave the bullet in. I called my S/O to tell him the Dr wanted to know how it happened.he wouldn’t go to the hospital to explain.he said he would gather his items and leave the house because in the end my daughter got shot by a female he was talking to.suddenly my almost 13 yr old daughter and I were standing in a line and she was pregnant..touched a bed that had bugs crawling to my han


Some person came into house shot me in head and shot My grown daughters


My close family friend aka (3 year old boy i call my nephew) being shot and killed by his dad and then his dad committed suicide.


Dream that my son is shot and killed I was anxious in my dream


Mom, unknown cute girl, and I being chased by a group of mass shooters that throw fast spreading fire bombs but escaping by splitting up. I get chased an captured by a different group using guns who take me home, say it’s a prank n they’re YouTubers. They want to sacrifice me as a virgin even though I’m a father. Cute girl kicks in door, mom shoots the youngest(15) in the face with 12gauge, the 2 “YouTubers” point revolvers at my face, as I see them start to revolve I woke up feeling uneasy.


I drame my enemy was shooting at me and instead it hit my baby in the head and blood started gushing out and I dropped down to my knees saying my baby my baby and then the person turn around and shot me


I dreamt about dodgy policeman wanting to kill me and my son. But then we end up in a room with the dodgy policeman. One shoot the other dead. The other wanna kill various kids. So my toddler a girl gets shot in the head by myself to reveal where the other kids are. But she doesn’t die. Al I say is sleep my angel but she doesn’t and I woke up. It’s bothers me coz I would die for my kids. And I dunno if the triller I watched could be the cause of the dream.


I had a dream that my daughter was tied up by her left arm and my partner shot her in the arm and said just leave her to die, we left but I came back and she was still alive and I was trying to help her and save her. What does this mean please


I had a dream where I shoot my 5 year old nephew in the stomach. When Ipull the trigger I don’t know it’s him, right as the bullet leaves the barrel I come to that realisation, but I don’t feel anything at the time and I place my hand on his bleeding stomach. Please tell me what it means?


I have a dream my son was shot on his neck and I think I was shot in the foot I was carry him but the shot didn’t look bad it look like a scratch but their wasn’t no blood it’s seem like no one cared


I had a dream my three boys got shot in the face and they ended up being ok but I have two girls and one on the way?

Charisa Cc

I had a dream where my three year old was shot in the back of his head outside and was a target. But he survived and he was okay. Weird thing was the guy who i think is his dad was there first time meeting my son. I have been having problems on trying to tell him he’s the dad and someone else thinks they are. In the dream my mother who passed was in it too. The dream felt so real I remember every single detail when I woke up. What does this mean


In my dream we are at a birthday party my cousin is upset with me and he says it’s because my husband. I see my husband in the front talking to people, Suddenly I hear lots of gunshots, I run inside to get my kids. I see my 4 and 2 year old playing. In my head I know my husband has been shot. I see someone with a limp body being brought in, it’s my 15 year old son. I can see bullet holes in his body and he got hit in the head also. I pick up his head and I could tell he’s gone. I’m in tears.


I dream I was on a field trip with family and lot of kids we were stop by police to search for an escape prisoner that had got on our bus the police searched the bus got off got guns and came back on the prisoner grabbed two of the little girls as hostage s I got off and begged him to let them go he did bit as they were running he shot one in the back I grabbed her and ran to the hospital blood was coming out her mouth she was happy and still talking and smiling at me


I had a dream in which a two parents were talking to a vampire but accidentally shot their child to death after the child calls out to them. What does this mean?


Dreamt My daughter & her spouse got shot to death; what does it mean? I was in consolable & I saw the assailant

Michelle Smith

Last night I had a dream my 25 year old son was shot in the neck, woke up crying


I had a dream where i was a policemen and shot a 7 year old in self defence. On rhe scene the father firgave me and the child returned as a ghost (same clothing ect) and told me he firgives me and God forgives me) i woke up crying. Never happened to me before


I had a dream that my my kids father which is now my ex of a 10 year relationship shot me and our children and I was still alive but couldn’t move to help my kids what does this mean?


I had a dream there was an altercation about me not wanting to sell my car while standing in a lawyers office with this guy. Later that evening that guy came to my house with a semi automatic gun, and shot my friend and her child then came to where my daughter and I were sleeping, shot my daughter multiple times, then peed on my leg as I laid there in fear, and the lawyer was suddenly laying down next to me and had a hand gun under his pillow and shot the guy before he killed me. I then looked


I had a dream that my 17 year old black son was pulled out of the house and shot by police who laughed once he was injured.

Bayron Acosta

My dream was long but towards the end someone carelessly crashed into someone, then we went to help, I was in the area, he then came out the car and walked towards all of us in a red shirt and started shooting. When the chaos stopped I saw my 13 yr old daughter laying down looking at me and smiling but she was shot in the neck. When I held her in my arms she turned into my 3 month old daughter now


I had a dream that I was at a party, me and 2 other people went to get a drink. Next thing we are out side crouching down with police as a terrorist was shooting, a boy got shot with an air rifle in the head ( he was ok) then I remember getting to the other side and hearing you have made it to the south side in a mans voice. (It was the attacker) it’s freaked me out. What does this mean please


My 18 yr old son was shot in the chest and I carried him to the front door of a skating rink where he died in my arms


I had a dream that I was battling in like a real life video game very nervously and then extremely quickly it switched to seeing a man at a pew jump up and shoot a girl, Maybe 6 or 7, that had just turned on the stage to smile. I thought “who is that?” .Gunshot wound was center of her chest and I saw her eyes look distraught and I instantly felt a massive amount of shock and thought “wait, is that my daughter?” And I woke up.


I’m 6 months pregnant. I had a dream my 2yo son was shot in the back of the head. Accepted the fact that he got shot, I hugged him, made him comfortable, and I cried realizing this will be the last time that I will be doing this to him. Cried so much that it woke me up.


I had a dream of my son (7)being shot on arm and in on the head but he survived and on the dream I was panicking and I saw the shooter. My aunt was there she fled the scene and left me screaming call an ambulance. My son didn’t die on the dream thou. I was able to revive him


I had a dream where I was watching a video of a whole family taking pictures in the park. The kid looked like 7. Someone shot him out of nowhere, his family mainly his dad held his hand and ran away with him from the scene. The family found a place to hide behind a bush. They checked on the kid, blood gushed out from the kid’s nose. The kid was in pain and so scared that he cried out loud. The gunman found them and shot the kid again. The kid died. The pain was so real I woke up in tears. wdim?


I had a dream about walking to the grocery store in the evening with a couple of girls I knew. As we were walking I looked down in the dirt and it was a whole bunch of money laying there. Me and my friends picked it up and put it in our pockets. Next thing you know I’m seeing two men walking up on us with a revolver and they hold us up.The first chance I got I was able to throw something on the man with the gun and I took it from him and I shot him in the head .


I had a dream my 14 month old son was shot in the back 6 times while we were running from the neighbors who were arguing.. once we told them we had a baby they stopped. My husband and I took our son to hospital and our son was ok. But, he was shot 6 times on back and arms… I woke up crying. I don’t know what the dream means or is trying to tell me


I had a dream of my older son being shot twice in the leg, what does it mean


my mom had a dream the my brother got shot in the chest 2 times. what does that mean?


I had a dream where my 8 year old daughter is shot in the side what does it mean

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