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Dream about cousin

The dream about your cousin reflects deep emotions that you hold towards your family. Cousins symbolize a sense of connection and familiarity, representing the bonds that you share with your loved ones. This dream signifies that you have a strong attachment to your family and value their presence in your life. The surprise you felt upon waking from this dream indicates that you may have underestimated the importance of family ties in your day-to-day life. Your genuine surprise shows that you possess a compassionate and warm-hearted nature. Embrace this emotional connection with your family and take time to nurture these relationships, as they provide a foundation of support and love in your life.

Dream about Cousin suggests lurking danger, aggression, raw emotions or sometimes death. You need to be more neutral or objective in your decision making. You are undergoing some sort of transition and need to move away from your old habits and old way of thinking. This dream is a harbinger for an uncontrollable situation or an all-consuming force in your life. You are grappling with a problem in your personal or professional life.

Cousin means a sinister or painful secret you are keeping. You need time for contemplation. You are suppressing your feelings or thoughts. The dream is a message for feelings of anger, hostility and fierceness. Perhaps there is something that are you trying to hide.

Dream about Cousin [the child of your aunt or uncle] symbolises loss of love and broken companionship. You are looking or searching for acceptance. Perhaps a relationship or situation is too controlling. This dream hints impatience or impulsiveness. You are coming to terms with some problem or issue that you have been at odds at for a long time.

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Saw I helped my cousin secured his job at a multinational through an old friend who is a name sake. He however promised to help him under the condition he gets him a gallon of petrol and diesel which he did


Saw I made money and I was with my cousin and stepbrother, so I took them out to eat. Immediately they passive I had money without knowing what plan I had they started asking me for money but I could see through their deceit and Sense of entitlement. I decided not to give them and use the money for my plan because if the table turn around they won’t give me , neither would they be so kind to buy me food


I saw my cousin he came to reconcile with me


Saw myself with my enstranged cousin. I don’t know how I ended up with him. I saw he took me to a beach on an island for recreation. He paid for everything, we got a live jacket on and also have a white chair on us. Suddenly I saw this two female twins carrying water on their head. One of them poured water on me and was still claiming right, I charged on them vigorously and they felt remorse. In the process of doing that I lost my voice


In my dream I received a text message from my cousin. In it he was thanking me for all the things I did for him. He acknowledged that I was the one who did it for him. I was reading the message when I noticed the background theme is white


I heard my cousin say why did you take it from him? Then a guy I know who is controlling and manipulative replied he didn’t do it


I saw my cousin coming from my left. He was holding a child. The child was not some ordinary child. He was big and heavy. He looked like an adult. My cousin handed me the child. He said take him with you. I hold that child and start walking towards left. His head was big with dense hair. I could smell some strange body odor coming out of him.


I saw my cousin with a white plate in his hands. He put some food in it and turned away talking to my girlfriend. I couldn’t see her but I think she was standing in the dark They were talking about me and my cousin said to leave him, let him go and they both agreed. I woke up thinking if she doesn’t like me what’s the point of all of this


I saw my cousin with a plate in his hands. He put some food in it and turned away talking to my girlfriend. They were talking about me and my cousin said leave him, let him go and they both agreed


We were traveling to Mexico around my birthday and my dad had my cousin kidnap me to get money from some men. He said it would be ok because I had the power to disappear and could come back to them My cousin and I were near a white van by the lake and he had a calm demeanor as he cupped my face with his palm. I Was a second person viewing this when he was giving me a choice of drowning in the lake or getting into the van. I saw myself getting in but I was a little girl in a small-flowered dress


My cousin came to visit us. My brother showed him the combination of our security access at our doors, which I did not approve of because I did not trust outsiders. My cousin asked access to the Internet and when he got a photo of the African continent, asked if it could be saved on his USB stick. I told my brother to save it in the right format and while we sorted that out my cousin said he had to go and would be back for the stick.


We got out of a room. My cousin is with me on the left. I tell him if only I can get to meet my her once. He laughs and says she’ll never come back to you. He turns away and start walking to my left behind me. I turn the other way and start walking and I saw a white door which was open


I was in the back seat of a silver car eating a muffin. My cousin entered the car and sat on the front seat. Suddenly he started throwing his attitude to me that don’t eat inside my car. I thought he’s talking too much I won’t eat anything in his car


I saw with my cousin and her friend. There was a young girl with us, not sure if she was my daughter. We came out of a place. (Not sure if it was a theater). Outside place looks calm, huge and serene with lots of trees around. We all were wearing wide leg pants. My cousin gave me an old white top to change which had some curry marks on it. I changed to that top standing next to a car thinking it was dirty and very loose.


i saw my cousin in a dream. He was wearing a white doctor’s coat. We were in a place where there were a lot of people. He was explaining someone something in a friendly way. He was being very informative to a stranger. I stood there with my phone trying to get the same information using google. I woke up frustrated and angry thinking he’s my cousin and he doesn’t tell anything but prefers strangers over me.


I heard myself talking to my cousin. I was frustrated and I said. She’s not his girlfriend. She’s his wife


In a dream, I saw my cousin looking very worried that someone was following her. She got a picture message and its her picture taken from back. She was scared and telling her friend about it. In a different dream, I saw my cousin and her husband coming to the place I was in(not my house). In the same house I saw 2 of my uncles and their wives and another uncle, but not his wife. I went out and bumped into this cousin’s siblings. Got both of them with me to the place where their sister was.


I heard myself talking to my cousin. I was frustrated and I said. She’s not his girlfriend


Me and my bro were watching TV in a room. Mom and younger bro in a different room away. I went to get something and heard someone shouting. I saw my cousin shouting, using foul language at my mom and bro. They both were sad, crying. When I saw that, I lost my cool, went inside and started hitting and kicking my cousin using foul language until he started crying.


I walked up to this place where one side was dark and there was light on the wall with a white sink and a mirror on the wall. My younger cousin is sitting besides a table on the dark side. I see him doing a party dance. Then my older cousin walks to the sink and does a party dance in front of the mirror. Then he comes to the table and shakes hand with me. His handshake was very firm. I thought that he’s strong


My cousin came to me in his favorite baseball team Chicago cubs Tshirt cap jacket and said read his second book it was Royal blue and Gold and some money was in it…

Alex Avolos

I was watching an interesting program on TV and power went off. I quickly went to turn on the generator, before I would change over to generator, d light was restored. Saw my cousin having conversations with my brother. I taunted her and told her not to take me seriously.She said when I’ve become this way, I said jokingly since I’ve stop having money. I saw a popular female celebrity getting married to an older Man and I was like I should be getting married before her and now she is before me.

Number one

I had a dream about a female cousin of mine. She was at a front desk with messed up hair and signing some paper.

Boot Ify hole

I had a dream about be me in my cousin’s house it was huge I was helping them move in but I went to their garage and saw my bike and rode it to a field I met this guy there and we bikined together the boy left me. beside me were two different bike one was made of stick and the one I was riding was red The boy came back took me back to the field i danced on my bicycle seat while circling the guy when a much of clones of me were dancing too, some were shouting at the guy and some were crying


I dreamt a threw orange jiuce on my daughter while in her bed because she didnt wash up. then my drem continued with meeeting 3rd cousin on my father side. I havent seen her in like 18 years . she was asking something cannot remember. what does this mean

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