Dream about face painted white

Dream about Face Painted White is a signal for perfection of the self and spiritual truth. Some heated emotion needs your immediate attention. You need to redirect your energy in a more positive manner. This dream is a symbol for movement between various levels of consciousness. You are getting to root of a matter or situation.

Face in your dream points to how you are wound up or how your thinking is twisted. Things will work out in the long run. You are in need of approval and affirmation from others. The dream is a premonition for some emotional outburst or suffering. You are trying to express your current feelings or convey your status.

Paint dream expresses a female in your life who is emotionally cold. You tend to be pessimistic and see the dark or negative side of things. You are being deceived by someone or by some situation. Your dream means being or feeling like the sole or only support of some person or situation. You may be being deceived.

White in this dream is a metaphor for a release or exposure of some tension and pressure. You need to be more yielding and flexible in some situation. You are looking for approval, validation and acknowledgement for your work. The dream signals your issues about commitment and independence. You are rejecting or ignoring some aspect of yourself.

Dream about Face Painted White is a premonition for your high aspirations. You are looking for a career and have set high goals for yourself. You need to deal with your emotions in order to move forward in your life. The dream is a signal for your progress in life. You may be expressing some hidden anger.

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I dreamed someone through white paint over my face!!


I was laying in the street and someone with white painted face was looking down at me I scrambled across the street where I saw a kid asking for help from everyone he was mad homeless was going to offer him help but noticed he stole stuff from my bag he had no remorse told him I can’t help him picked up my stuff and walked away


In my dream, I ran into a boyfriend, his face was painted white and his eyelids were black. He was so happy to be at an anime convention haha. It’s always pleasant when I see him and in the dream was no different. He explain to me why he was so happy and he went off on his journey lol


I dreamt of my cousin with white paint on her face blowing white powder ??? Any help


I saw my Partner face painted black and the other half white


After two weeks of traumatic events, losing a baby and almost loosing my partner who stayed in a coma for the whole two weeks. Maybe a week after he returned home i had a dream that i was in the shower and got out to see a black tribal man standing at the top of my stairs staring at me. He had very dark skin and white paint dripping down head and face. I was surprised but ran towards him down the stairs still naked covering myself up. I get to the bottom where my front door was off the hinges


Pleasant day. I dreamt that I looked up at a window. It was a two story house and it was a woman , who’s face was painted white looking out at a little boy and I. He ran in the back slide door and I was trying to get in but he was sliding the glass doors every-time I slid one open and I woke up before getting in the house. We both was scared out of our minds.


I had a dream, in which I fought a black man with his face painted white. It was kinda tribal looking, like four rows of rectangles cut down by the middle. It wasn’t the first time that I saw him. I remember thinking: I hate that guy. We started fighting and he had an umbrella. He used it to dance around while we were fighting. He had a move, in which he incorporates it into the fight. I almost took it from him once, but he was so strong. It was really frustrating. But, this time the end changed

Misspiink !

i keep dreaming about a man in a monkey mask. thats riding a childs bike. he has me kidnapped but i can leave when i want. BUT.. he always knows where i am.. if i dont do stuff for him he can get really mad.. and im always scared off that in my dreams. in todays dreams i tried to escape.. idk how it went bc i woke up 🙁

in this house it also exists 4 other people that i saw in todays dreams. they had white face painting in their faces. india inspired i think?


In my dream I was told to stand up to a box that looked like confession. I’m not catholic. I was going to be killed if I wasn’t given a white dot of paint on my upper lip. I was holding a dreidel. I’m also not Jewish. The dream was so vivid. I was about to speak to the priest and say I’m not catholic but suddenly a nun standing next to me gasped and held up a wooden place with carvings on it so a solider wouldn’t see/hear me say it. I got a dot. I was safe.


I was sleeping then my room mate woke me up from sleep and he was still sleeping talking to me about my face painted and why so I asked him what was the paint he said white. And then went back to sleep. He was still sleeping telling me all that, the next morning I asked him about what he said to me he couldn’t recall at all . All he said was he had a dream that looked very real and can’t remember.


Some was sleeping in my room and he woke me up from my sleep talking to me about me painting my face so I asked him what what was the paint he said it was white and then he went back to sleep. In the morning I asked him about what he said to me in night he said the dream looked real but cannot remember and he can’t recall telling me all those things. Please help me and interpret this revelation.


I saw I was having an exam of painting that I forgot about . Somebody told me it’s the exam today . I tried my best and painted the best painting ever .and my teacher complimented me.