Dream about grandmother alive

Dream about Grandmother Alive represents your confidence and attitude about being number one in whatever you do. You have gained the approval of those around you. You need to stand tall and be proud. The dream is a clue for the beginning of a new stage. You are taking some of your friends for granted.

Grandmother Alive is a symbol for your connection to your roots and to humanity. You are on the right path. There is an important message that you need to convey and let others know. Your dream is a sign for your grace and poise in a situation or circumstance. You will use underhanded means to achieve your goals.

Dream about both “Grandmother” and “Alive” is a portent for your diminishing power. You may not be utilizing your full potential and talents and letting it go to waste. You may just be setting yourself for a let-down. The dream indicates lost opportunities, past relationships or forgotten aspects of yourself. Something or someone is causing you much annoyance and irritation.

Dream about grandmother alive is a signal for the value you place on knowledge and education. You are going along with the crowd. You are being wanted. This dream means masculine power, dominance and energy. You are trying to connect with your spiritual energy.

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In my dream I’m in my grandmas house out from all restrictions full of myself where my grandma putting colorful rangolis while it rains I’m felt happy and suddenly a pregnant black goat started chasing us and my grandmother trying to save me in all aspects and it felt good