Dream about wooden floor

Dream about Wooden Floor represents your need for help. You are letting other people dictate your direction in life. You are experiencing some inner conflict. The dream is an evidence for simplicity, youth and happiness. You have revealed or turned in a project that was incomplete.

Wooden Floor is a metaphor for your ability to work and cooperate with others. You are feeling let down. You are in touch with a higher plane and an elevated sense of spirituality. The dream is an omen for rejuvenation and healing. You are overestimating the strength of something.

Dream about both “Wooden” and “Floor” signifies a lack of support and acceptance. You are avoiding the situation, instead of confronting them. There is no turning back on the choices you have made. This dream is an indication for disappointments in some aspect of your life. You are feeling unsatisfied or something is missing in your relationship.

Dream about wooden floor is a metaphor for life’s twists and turns. You are withdrawing from daily life and distancing yourself from others. You are a person that can get things done. This dream suggests cycles and transformation. You are putting up some form of defense.

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I walk in wooden upstairs and I was in unknown place what is the meaning of this dream