Dream about someone spitting in your face

Dream about Someone Spitting In Your Face is a hint for previously suppressed material that is coming to light. You are putting up a facade. Perhaps you need to be more playful and carefree. This dream is an evidence for the hardships, risks or failures you are faced with in your endeavors. You are expressing some fear or uncertainly within your emotional state.

Someone in your dream is an indication for your difficulties and hardships. Your vitality and energy is being drained away by some situation or someone else. You are being manipulated by a situation or by someone. Your dream states jealousy. Someone in your life may be threatened by you.

Spit dream signifies your struggles against adversity. You need to overcome many obstacles in order to succeed. You may be trying to blame someone for something. The dream is sometimes a hasty and unwise decision in some important matter. You are feeling hopeless and out of control.

Face in this dream signals the rational and mental processes. Someone or some situation may be diverting your concentration and your attention away from your goals. You are looking for some sort of security and stability. This dream is an evidence for your full acceptance of her or him for the person he or she was. You are not really expressing how you really feel.

Dream about Someone Spitting In Your Face means issues of the heart. You need to take in what you learned from the past and incorporate it into your present life. You are hiding your true self. The dream signals your attitude and confidence. You are involved in some insider information.

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I dreamt that a man was following me in a retail store. When I got to the counter to pay, it was really crowded and the man was very close to me. All of a sudden he tries to make a joke. I look away smiling, but when i turned back, he yelled and spit in my face.


I had a dream where i went to my room to get a photo of me and my husband tp show someone i truly was married. When i went to his bed side table to get the picture, There was a picture of another woman. This women’s face turn’t to my mothers and she spat in my face. I left the room terribly upset.


I dreamt of a young girl we grew up with, spitting on my face.

Niko Kiko

I dream about I saw my cousin doing funny and I laughed at him then I saw him having a grudge to me and he strongly spat on my face in a small distance after that I retaliated I walk towards him and hold his hair I asked him if you want me to smack your face or I will spit on your face choose.


I vividly dreamed about my mom and I arguing about me changing churches then she spit in my face. I got mad and pushed her away but she held me down and kept spitting all over my face and laughing like it was a joke. When I finally broke free of her, she realized I was actually pissed and begin to apologize but I was too angry so I left with the intention of nv coming back

Shaheed joad

I dreamt that I was sleeping and a distant relative who I haven’t thought of even was slyly spititng on me, i instinctively felt it was him but I wasn’t sure and he pointed out that someone else apart on me and I said ok, but later on in the dream I am searching for him and asking people where he is some of whom I know and some who are just dream figures and I tell one person saw him spitting and he said no I just told you that I saw him somewhere..


In my dream I was calling my mother. She passed away 2016. Someone answered the phone it was not her. They said your mother went to visit Mary and you need to spit water in your face. That’s when I woke up suddenly feeling very sad.


I dream that I am in a cage and many people try to spit on me from outside of cage and i am trying to safe myself from that spit throw.


I dreamed that a friend was teaching me guitar, we later became three that he was showing what to play, I was playing it but I didn’t get it right when they payed attention. So the other guy was trying to tell me what to play then he saliver from his mouth spit on my face. When I woke up, I felt saliver on my face then I went to the bathroom and washed my face


I vividly dreamt that my mum was very angry at me and spit on my head dripped down. I woke up with confusion


l dream my children father spit in my face. He is my EX


I had a dream where there were multiple chatrooms in real life and I entered one with someone else and a girl in the chatroom saw me and spit on my face, I entered that chatroom repeatedly and it happened again and again until she said to someone else to beat me up. My dream ended there.