Dream about hitting a girl

Dream about Hitting A Girl is a signal for family togetherness, celebration and hope. You are getting caught with something. You will struggle fiercely and courageously to realize your highest ambitions and greatest desires. Your dream indicates restraint. You may be waiting for the right moment to exert your power.

Hitting A Girl points to potential, heartiness and longevity. Something has come to an end. Someone or something is pulling you down. This dream is a metaphor for dissatisfaction with the direction that a project or situation is going. You are expressing some emotional turmoil.

Dream about both “Hit” and “Girl” states a situation or a conversation that is foul. There is some situation where you are seeking approval or permission. You may be too overexcited or hyperactive and need to relax. This dream is unfortunately an admonition for an evil and merciless force that cannot be reasoned with. Your hard work will pay off in the long run.

Dream about hitting a girl is about memories. You are visualizing success or envisioning a positive future. You are unwilling to take responsibilities for your actions. The dream is an omen for an escape from the stressful realities of your life. Your path to success is within reach.

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I dreamt that I hit a girl with a chair because I assumed she was a zombie and I apologized. She told me that doesn’t do anything and my actions will be judge of that to her. I was on my way somewhere again,but I lost my key that had a lanyard and this time,I had to check twice if that was mine and not someone else’s. The classroom had lots of decorations and their personal belongings.
I went out of the classroom as soon as I found it.